Reunion Party

All right! It's party time! I got there kind of late, but didn't think to take pictures until it was dark outside. (I was talking myself into going, because I wasn't one of the popular ones in school.) I thought someone else in charge of taking pictures until I checked with Lori. So, here are the pictures I did get that night.

First, we have Lori Waller and Denise Crews, two of the people who worked hard to organize the event.

I walked around inside and outside trying to hopefully catch everyone, but I think I missed the man cooking the low country boil. I can't be sure until I'm done with all the pictures. Sorry, guys!

So here we go with pictures of people at the party that I did catch with the camera.

I hadn't seen some of these people in ages ... really. I hope we can call keep in better contact with each other from now on!

Now, we need to go outside ...