Hello! I'm glad you're here!

Ever wish that you could let other drivers and police/emergency personnel know that you can't hear their horns and sirens without being rude about it?

That would be nice, wouldn't it? People would understand that you weren't ignoring them, just you couldn't hear them. No more middle finger salutes from your fellow drivers!

In some states, you used to be able to get a sticker to put on your bumpers or windows with a symbol meaning that the driver was hearing-impaired. If you wanted to find one now, you'd be out of luck. You might be offered a license plate that has "hearing-impaired" stamped in it ... if you don't mind paying extra for it every year.

Most of us pay enough for stuff made especially for deaf people. Why do we have to pay so much for something that's not our fault?

Below, I have some examples I'm working on. I'm trying to see if there is enough interest in these bumper stickers from the deaf community. I would like to make them real and maybe market them for about $3-5, depending on how much it costs for me to get supplies for them. I'm looking into that idea now.

Please e-mail me at one of my 2 main e-mail addresses to let me know if you think I can or should do this. My e-mail address on Yahoo is MarlaCrews@yahoo.com and on WebTV is MA_Crews@webtv.net.

I am a deaf person, too. I made these because I wanted them for my car, and then thought other people might, too. Why not? It's not a bad idea, especially if you get into trouble with people because they were honking their horn at you and you didn't respond. Maybe if I put one on my car, I won't see a "bird" again.

Anyway, here are the ones I've made so far. If you have suggestions for other ones, even regular bumper stickers (I've got another page of bumper stickers.), e-mail me and tell me what you want to see. I'll gladly make them for you.

Please let me know what you think!

Marla Crews

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