CHS Class of 1993

Breaking News

August 24,2003

On August 23, 2003, the Claxton High School class of 1993 held its ten-year reunion at the Massey Pond House in Claxton, Georgia. If you are a classmate, and you weren't there, shame on you! It was great to see everyone that was there. I know I haven't seen some of the people there since before graduation, let alone afterwards.

We all had a great time, even though some of us seemed to have a better time than others. I swear a couple (more like three) of the people must have been seeing pink elephants by the time they got home. No names! You know who you are!

Right now, I am working on the party pictures page. I had to lighten up some of them, because they were too dark. But keep checking back for updates. I have the originals if you want them, too, but you may need a better photo program than the one I have right now to fix some of the pictures. The retouched photos are here, if you want them.

I should have borrowed my mother's camera, but didn't think of it until later. If anyone else has pictures, feel free to send them to me. I am going to get a scanner soon, so you don't have to worry if you don't have digital versions of the pictures.

Pages Updates

September 13, 2003: Okay, I took pictures of the Massey Pond House and started making the party pictures page. I only have a few left to fix, and Lori Waller has said she well send me the ones Denise took so I can post them. I chatted with Lori recently, and she wants to make an information packet for all those who attended the reunion, so watch for that to be headed your way.

September 15, 2003: Okay, I've got all the pictures fixed and uploaded. Now I just have to arrange them and the pages the way I want them. I may be up late working on this, so if you're on-line, be sure to drop me a line of encouragement.

September 15, 2003 11:32 p.m.: I'm done! I have all the pictures uploaded, fixed, and used in pages. Whew! I think by the time I was finished, I had over 60 pictures to work with, not including the animated graphics and other graphics. Now, be sure to tell me what you think, okay?

I created a Yahoo Group so all of us can keep in better contact with each other. The link is below. If you're not already a member of Yahoo, join now. It's free, and the group is all ready to go for you to join. If you don't want to join, still, all you need is an e-mail address.

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Spread the word to other CHS students (victims?)and I look forward to hearing from you!

Marla Crews

E-mail me at
and let me know of anyone who needs to be contacted!
Of course, you can use my ICQ panel at the bottom of this page to drop me a quick line, as well.

If anyone wants to contact me, you can also do it by instant messenger programs.
Yahoo Messenger: marlacrews
MSN Messenger:
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM): marlacrews
ICQ: 155423791
If you use one that I don't have, e-mail me and let me know.

I do have another Yahoo Group for those of you who are crazy like me ... if you can handle it. It's under my alternate personality, but it's still me. If you'd like more details visit my alternate identity's homepage (yet another website I'm playing with). If you're not too frightened, join it and spice things up a little!

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